Most Specific Side Effects Of Medicine And Pills

Side Effects Of Drugs

Drug is deliver that therapeutic effect insome case produce problems that is side effect so that make sure know that side effects of using these drugs otherwise get a correct information of medicine given by your family physician or doctor.
Here so many drugs list out now and keep read and note it carefully.

1.Ampicillin- Hypersensitivity
2. Amphotericin.B- Nephrotoxicity
3. Androgen- Virilization
4. Antipsychotics- Sedation, Orthostatic hypotension, Tardive dyskinesia
5. Anti- TB- Hepatotoxicity
6. Aspirin (cox-I Inhibitors)- Hepatotoxicity
7. ACE Inhibitors- Dry Cough
8. Atropine – Dryness of mouth, Blurred vision, Constipation
9. Chlorambucil- Alopecia
10.Celecoxib,Valdecoxib (cox-II Inhibitors)-cardio and Hepatotoxicity
11.Chloroquine – Phototoxicity
12.Chloramphenicol- Grey baby syndrome, Bone marrow depression
13. Ciprofloxacin – Phototoxicity
14. Clofazimine- Pigmentation of skin, Discoloration of Urine
15. Clozapine – Agranulocytosis
16. Erythromyicin- Cholestatic Juandice
17. Ethambutol – Optic Neuritis, Retrobulbular Neuritis
18. Hydrochlorthiazide- Hypokalamia
19. Isoniazid – Peripheral Neurtis
20. Metronidazole- Disulfiram like reaction
21. Minoxidil- Hirsutism
22. Morphine- Constipation
23. Nimesulide – Hepatotoxicity
24. Nitrogen Mustard- Bone marrow depression
25. Nitroglycerin- Palpitation
26. Penicillin. G- Jarisch Heximer Reaction
27. Phenformin- Lactic acidosis, GI disturbance, Metalic taste
28. Phenytoin- Hirsutism
29. Quinidine- Cinchonism
30. Quinine Sulphate- Black Water Fever
31. Repaglinide- Althralgia
32. Rosaglitazone- Anemia,Weight gain
33. Sitagliptin- Coldness
34. Spironolactone- Hyperkalamia
35. Cimetidine- Gynacomastia
37. Sulfonyl Ureas derivatives- Bone marrow depression
38. Terfenadine- Type-I arrhythmia
39. Tetracyclines- Discoloration of teeth
40. Thalidomide- Phocomelia

Side Effects of drugs it is a essential for medicine user.

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