Most Specific Side Effects Of Medicine And Pills

Drug is may be extract natural or man made resources but mostly side effect come from man made resource.
Side Effects are recently evidenced based of research implementation so that side effects can be treated in acute condition but chronic conditions may or may not be treated or curable.

Know About Integumentary System

INTRODUCTION The skin of mammals is the largest organ of the body , it covers the entire surface of the body .Apart from the bones and cartilages , the skin is the toughest tissue in the body. Skin is the largest part of our body now we can see about the skin in detail furtherContinue reading “Know About Integumentary System”

Breast Cyst

DEFINITION Breast cysts are fluid-filled sacs within the breast, which are usually not cancer (benign). There can be one or many breast cysts. They’re often described as round or oval lumps with distinct edges. In texture, a breast cyst usually feels like a grape or a water-filled balloon, but sometimes a breast cyst feels firm.Continue reading “Breast Cyst”

Career Opportunities In Nursing Stream

Nursing career is and Expandable And Extended prospectes are more Impact In good
& plentiful. Nurses are needed not only in hospital, but in health
agencies, long term care facilities such as nursing home ,managed care centers &
in community health . Educating patients & their families in preventing care is
highly important. Demands for advance practice nurses are growing in the many areas. In Tamilnadu Nurse are well qualified and registered in Nursing Council in a legal with authority.


INTRODUCTION :The mastoid process is the portion of the temporal bone of the skull that is behind the ear which contains open, air-containing spaces. DEFINITION :It is an inflammation of mastoid process behind the ear and of the air space connecting it to the cavity of the middle ear. ETIOLOGY :1. Infection of the middleContinue reading “Mastoiditis”

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